e.g : horror, action
CLICHE : A comment words/ things often made and is not interesting.
e.g He made some cliche that change her completely change her life.
STEREOTYPE: A fixed idea that people have about.
e.g. He doesn't fit to the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
ANTAGONIST: A person who is strongly opposed to something or someone.
e.g : He is an antagonist to logistics.
PROTAGONIST: Leading character, An important supporter of an idea.
e.g : Superman, Spiderman.
SUPPORTING CHARACTER: Usually used to give added demensionto the main character.
e.g :
e.g :
COMIC RELIEF : An amusing scence or speech to provide temporary relief from tension.
e.g :
CHARACTERIZATION : the way in which is described in real or natural.e.g :
e.g :